Saturday, November 22, 2014

How Media Decieve Public on Ebola Outbreak...

There are many events and things that made 2014 a remarkable year, especially for media. Among various kinds of media, it might be the most positively turbulent year for cable news channels. Let me highlight just a few of the most turbulent events for cable news; the disappearance of Malaysian Airliner, the continuation of Arab Springs upraising and civil wars in The Middle East, particularly Syria, the intensively fought war between Israel and Hamas (Palestinian), the abduction of about 300 school girls by Nigeria based terrorists group called BokoHoram, Putin’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine to Russia, US-midterm election where republicans claimed senate from democrats, and the outbreak of a deadly virus called Ebola. Since telling fearful stories has always been darling of broadcasting news channels to capture their audience’s attention, every news channel gave plenty of their time slots to each story. However, in relative to their magnitudes or impacts toward society in reality, some of them got disproportionately big chuck of coverage times. And, Ebola is one of media dearest darlings in 2014.